mercredi, avril 11, 2007

Just a thought...

Tonight I was watching "La Nouvelle Star" on M6. For once, among the twenty finalists, there was more than 1 "minority" : 4 blacks and 1 arab.
Me and my sisters were glad of this huge evolution of the program, but our joy has been cut short tonight. Three finalists were to be sent home tonight, chosen among the four having received less votes.
Guess what? Yeah, you're right, the four were three blacks and the only arab, and a woman to boot!

I don't like to cry wolf, but this one was too obvious to let it pass, and Marianne James, with her usual sharp wit, made a comment about the "colourful" choice!

Well then, I think there's still a lot of work to do to change this country's mind...

Bonne nuit.

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