mercredi, novembre 29, 2006

Book of the week : To Die For

Another one by Linda Howard!

She's the only one who has been able to end a rather long succession of disappointing books, Mad About Max by Liz Plumley and the Lear sisters series from Julia London being the most disappointing...I didn't say I didn't like them, I just mean that I got much less than I was hoping for.

I had already started to read To Die For on the internet... [nutcase session] you know, an e-book, the little thingie you open on your computer and read without turning the you don't open it, you "open"....okay okay, I feel a "E-books for Dummies" coming this way!!! [/nutcase session]

Ahem, anyway, when I started to read the e-book, I was immediately hooked, despite the first person POV, which I usually loathe. Yes, Linda Howard is that talented !

I then decided to buy the real pages-and-cover book, so I could read it anywhere, especially lying in my bed under my trusty duvet ;D

It's a suspense book beginning with a mistaken identity murder, which I hope will include some trademark elements from Linda Howard, namely an alpha hero in lust-or-love-don't-ask with the strong-willed heroine, and enough suspense to make you forget you've got to wake up early tomorrow morning ^^'

Have a good night :)

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